Treated Wood Guide

by Western Wood Preservers Institute



Learn everything you need to know about how to identify, specify and use preservative treated wood.Explore the preservatives used today that extend the service life of wood from years to decades. Understand the AWPA Use Category system and how it is used to specify and select the proper treated wood products based on its exposure.Review updated information on fire-retardant-treated wood products and see videos on making and using preserved wood products, as well as an overview of the environmental benefits of forests and wood products.For using treated wood in aquatic environments, there are a variety of tools to manage the environmental risks associated with a variety of preservatives, as well as specifying the exclusive Best Management Practices for products using in sensitive environments.Get practical tips and recommendations for all uses of treated wood products and see how these products provide many environmental benefits compared to alternatives such as plastic, steel and concrete.Put everything you need to know about treated wood at your fingertips with the Treated Wood Guide app!